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Early Primary Geometry Lapbook

Explore time with your child at your own pace with this interactive lapbook guide. This booklet includes all the paper materials needed to make this fabulous lapbook while creating and learning with your child. The content covered in this book includes all Year 0, 1 and 2 learning intentions for 2D and 3D Geometry.

Early Primary Geometry Lapbook

  • Lapbooks are essentially a visual folder display of learning. Into this folder, discreet paper activities are created by cutting out, colouring, writing on, drawing on, folding and gluing or stapling or fastening (so, yep, get out your scissors and glue!). The modular booklets, flaps, pockets or shapes (plus a great number of other things) are fastened within the folder and contain the content. By the time a lapbook is complete, it has become an artful project of information on a specific topic that the learner can interact with many times over while showing it off to friends, siblings, aunties and grandparents.

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Website last edited: October 2024

Adept Education Limited, New Zealand

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